Friday, April 1, 2011

I need more days like today...

The past few days have been so stressful for me. I really don't even want to get into it on here. But last night I finally broke down and cried. Hard. A lot. I finally fell asleep and this morning things didn't seem so bad. I felt a lot better. Today was a new day, and I had to make it a good one! So I decided to take Kota to the beach! It was the first time either of us had been to the beach this year. It's been storming all week, so the water was kind of nasty looking. But it felt good outside and the water wasn't as cold as I thought it would be!

The beach was pretty much empty! It was nice to walk up and down the beach in the water, just me and my babycakes. ♥ It was relaxing! When we got home we had lunch and then Kota took a nap. When he got up he helped me do laundry (in his own crazy toddler way lol) and then we played outside. Now he's out spending some time with his aunt and grandma. I'll probably get dinner made and enjoy some "mommy alone time". :-)